Relieve Tension and Improve your Skin with Easy Face Massage Tips

You may have been to a spa and enjoyed a wonderful rub down, but have you indulged in a face massage before? I mean, a glorious and delicious face massage from an esthetician?

Yes, you do need to try facial massage…

And once you have tried it, you will most likely be hooked. But, it can be difficult to make it to the spa monthly. You shouldn’t have to give up every aspect of the spa just because your schedule or bank account may say otherwise.

Hopefully you have checked out and tried my previous post on how to give yourself a perfect, spa worthy facial. I discuss all of the best steps to take when giving yourself a facial, including facial massage. But I wanted to dedicate an entire post to facial massage itself because it can be a tricky thing to learn and start using at home!

Maybe you don’t want all the bells and whistles, or you need something you can do daily or a few times a week for your skin health. Enter the Facial Massage!

Steps to an Easy Facial Massage at Home:

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Cleanse the skin gently
  3. Apply any treatments to skin- acid exfoliants, rinse off scrubs
  4. Gently pat in facial oil or serum and begin the massage! (My oil of choice is either the Wicked Soaps Green Facial Oil or the Herbivore Emerald CBD Glow Oil, which I am using in the video) Click the play button and follow my easy tutorial:

You can perform this every day as a morning ritual to wake up and depuff, or as a nighttime relaxation step to your skincare routine. I like to do it at night when I layer more skincare products and can really have my skin do the work for me while I sleep. You can do this particular massage a few times, or just repeat each step for longer to increase the length of this facial massage.

Be sure to follow up your facial massage with your moisturizer, either SPF or night cream depending on when you choose to do it. Need help choosing a night cream? Why not pick one based on your zodiac sign.

I have provided some demos on my instagram for easy and simple facial massages using a jade roller:

As well as a Gua Sha tool:

Side Note: You can absolutely incorporate a little Jade rolling action or Gua Sha along with using your hands. Always be careful to not apply too much pressure. Your face may flush, but it shouldn’t ever hurt or get too red during this process!

Now you’ve tried it, but what does Face Massage do for our Skin Health?

Improves overall Appearance

Yes, you can have that model glow after some facial massage techniques. It improves the texture of the skin giving a smoother look and feel. Different techniques also lift and tone the skin, improving signs of aging. Facial massage is like a workout for your face- by exercising the muscles, they become stronger and create a firmer, more tone canvas!

Relieves Pressure and Puffiness

Although it is important to not massage when sick with a sinus infection, if you struggle with allergies or constant puffiness, massage is a technique to try. It helps stimulate pressure points on the face to decrease tension as well as improve blood flow to aid in reducing puffiness.

Improve appearance of Scarring

If you struggle from facial scarring from injury or acne, massage can be one way to improve the appearance. If they are still painful, light massage can help to alleviate this. By increasing blood flow, the appearance can drastically be improved over time. A research study found that facial massage increased blood flow in the short and long term. By bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, the healing process of scarring is improved.

Get the Most out of your Skincare Products

That expensive facial oil you love? Incorportating it during facial massage allows it to penetrate the skin even better. The warmth of your hands while massaging product into the skin allows skincare products to penetrate and work more efficiently. When I massage my favorite oils in, I get a glow like none other!

The results you want directly correlates with the work you put in.

What do you think of facial massage? Have you tried it on your own or received it professionally? Let me know in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “Relieve Tension and Improve your Skin with Easy Face Massage Tips

    1. Let me know if this becomes a part of your daily routine! It is such a great way to relax while improving your skin.

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